Listed on this page are answers to the most frequently asked questions. Browse the list and see if the answer to your question is here.  

Adding the Sabbath time Widget

Alternate Link Chooser Link Creation

Adding an entry point to a content page or extension (How do I make my new content pages accessible to the Public?)

Deleting Website URL's from Settings

How can I connect a Google Calendar to my netAdventist website?

How can I obtain the
custom URL of content I have created?

How does iFrame work (Working with HTML in the content page editor)

How do I add a church bulletin to netAdventist?

How do I insert a PDF in a Content Page?

Inserting pictures into content pages (what size are they?)

Inserting videos into content pages (what size are they?)

Inserting audio files into content pages (what type work best?)

How can I insert a photo into a Static Content widget?

How can I insert a media file (Video) into a Static Content widget?

How do I use E-commerce in Forms?

How do Podcasts work in netAdventist?

How does the Media Player/Downloading Media Files work?

Publish, Pending, Draft and Archive (What do they mean?)

Why do I get a message when signing up for a second site on the same server?

Themes Layouts Templates and Widgets (How do they work together?)

User Access levels (What are the differences?)

Why do I see the login screen instead of the homepage?

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