How can I create weekly bulletins with netAdventist?

To create a weekly bulletin for your church with netAdventist you will need to create a Document Group and add a new bulletin document to this group. Then, each subsequent bulletin will be added to this existing Document Group each week. Once the Document group is created through Document Groups, there are several different ways for you church members or the general public to access the bulletin. Listed below are instructions for creating a Document Group and several ways for members and the general public to download the Bulletin. The best file formats for Document Groups is a Word .doc file or a .pdf file. These files are downloadable when the link is selected.

All the instructions below assume that you have access to the dashboard and you know how to login and get to Document Groups, Calendars and Content Pages.

Create a Bulletin folder using Document Groups and adding a document to the Document Group

  • Select the Site Content tab at the top of the page.
  • Select the Document Groups from the Left Navigation tree.
  • Choose the Add Document Group button on the top right.
  • Enter a title (Church Bulletins) for your document group. Think of this as a folder where you add document files. Select Next.
  • Select Add Documents to add the first bulletin to your document group.
  • The screen expands to reveal tabs to choose Documents in Library or Upload a document. See the File Library train ing video for further instructions on uploading files if needed. When done selecting documents, select Insert. The dialog box closes and the file shows in the main document contents. Select Save.
  • The next week you will return to the document group index view. Select the Church Bulletins document group with the Edit link to add more documents to a group. Repeat steps for adding a document above.

Accessing the Church Bulletin using the Main Menu

  • Select the Site Content tab at the top of the page.
  • Select Main Menu on the left above the content navigation tree.
  • Select Add Menu item.
  • Enter a name for the menu. (Church Bulletins)
  • Select the Page Type (Document Groups) from the drop down menu. 
  • Select the Page Link (Church Bulletins). By selecting the the whole document group you will show all the content in that document group which will be all the church bulletins or if you like you can select the individual church bulletin for a given week and show just the current bulletin. However, selecting individual bulletins would require that you change the page link each week.
  • Select Save. The new menu is added to the main menu list.
  • Now a member or guest can access the menu from the home page and download the church bulletin.

Accessing the Church Bulletin using a link on a content page

  • Select the Site Content tab at the top of the page.
  • Select Content Pages from the left sidebar.
  • Choose the Content page you wish to add your bulletins link to by selecting the Edit link on the right.
  • Select a place where you would like the link to go and type text for the link. (Church Bulletins)
  • Select the Link chooser tool on the top line of tools. It will be the link second from the end.
  • A dialog box will open. Select the Page Type (Document Groups) from the drop down menu then select the Page Link (Church Bulletins).
  • Select Insert. The dialog box will close.
  • Once finished editing select Save.
  • To see what your Link will look like select the Preview link. A new tab or window will open showing the changes made in a preview screen before it is actually published. There will be a bracketed Exit Preview link on the preview page. Select the Exit Preview link to revert the new window or tab back to the new custom page. If the tab or window doesn't close, so to continue editing your content in the dashboard close the new tab or window and return the original tab.

Accessing the Church Bulletin using the Calendar

  • Select the Site Content tab at the top of the page. Select the Calendar link in the left navigation bar.  Select the button in the top right labeled "Add Event". Enter an event name in the field at the top. (Church Bulletins)
  • Enter the date of the first Sabbath for January for the start date. Enter the Last Sabbath in the December for end date.
  • Next set the Event Repeats to Weekly. More fields will open, leave the Weekly Repeat Interval to 1 and check the Saturday checkbox. Set the Recurrence end date to the same date as the end date. Add an event location.
  • You will need to add a link on this page to access the Church Bulletin Document group like you did in adding a link to a content page. See instructions above.
  • Now members and guest viewing your calendar can go straight to your church bulletin page and download that weeks bulletin.