WMV file conversion instructions.
Converting wmv's file to mp4's, also known as h264's, We need to obtain conversion software. The difficulty is that there are hundreds of conversion software choices to choose from, free and not free. Generally the free ones don't always work right and can have viruses or bugs.
There are many available for download both paid and freeware here are a few.
For PC
Super - Freeware
Aplus convertier professional - $39
iSkysoft Video Converter for Mac - $35
We are going to look at the freeware one for PC called Super.
- Downloaded the program here: http://www.erightsoft.com/SUPER.html
- Once you are in the website, scroll all the way down on the page and you will see a blue link called Start Downloading Super, click on that.
- You will be taken to another page, scroll a few lines down, there's a part where you will see a lot of red words, there's a blue link called Download and Use right in the same area, click on it.
- You will then be taken to a third page, scroll all the way down, to the bottom of the page, you will see a blue link called Download Super Setup File, click on it.
- A box will open, click on the 'Save File' button.
- Go ahead and install the program to your computer. Once it's installed, open the program. Here's where the fun starts!!! (SUPER might take a while to start, be patient).
- Once the program starts, there's a big gray area at the bottom of the program screen, right click on it and click on Add Multimedia Files.
- A box opens field the wmv file you are trying to convert to mp4, select it by clicking on it once and then click on the Open button.
- The file you are converting should now appear in the gray area with a checked box in front of it.
- At the top left corner, mp4 should be selected as the output container and H264/AVC as the Output Video Codec. Now you are set to convert.
- Click on the Encode (Active Files) button at the bottom. Your file will start to convert. Wait till the bar is completely green, once it is, you file has finished converting to mp4.
- To locate your file (the following steps are only if you didn't change the location where you installed the program's folders, If you changed the location, you should be able to locate the file).
- Go to Start Menu and click on the Computer button.
- Double click on Local Disk (C:).
- Double click on Program Files. Look for a folder named eRightsoft,
- Double click on it and double click on Super once it shows up.
- Look for the folder Output and double click.
- You should see your converted file in this folder.
- Once you know the file location you can then upload it to your netAdventist website using the upload tools in the File Library, Content pages or Podcasts.