User Admin allows you to give people different access levels to your netAdventist website.
- If you haven't already done so, Log in and go to the Dashboard. You are taken to the Site Content tab.
- Select the User admin tab at the top of the page. The User Admin area is where new users, access level, and custom access groups are created.
- Select the Add New User button at the top right.
- Enter First name, Last name and Email. These are the only fields that are required. You can fill in the other info and change the language using the dropdown options.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page to select the user access group. There are three default access levels. Members, Publishers, and Site Admins. These three access levels are hierarchical, meaning: Those users with site admin level access have access also to publishers and member access items and those users having publisher level access will have access to member access items. Note: More info about the access levels of these three groups can be found in the User access groups index. See the Custom User Access Levels training video for further instructions if needed. Select an Access group for your user. Other optional fields may appear.
- Select Add Profile. The new user profile is displayed in the user profile index. An email is sent to the email address entered for that new user to create a password. The email contains an activation link for them to go to a password set page which will validate their account. Note: If an alert message comes up stating that this user is already a member of another netAdventist site, this means this user account email is already in the netAdventist system. Select the Add Profile button again. If you fail to select Add Profile a second time, the request will not go through. If you are given access to more than one netAdventist website using the same email, you will use the same password as well.
- You can select any user account by selecting the underlined first name for that user account. Notice when you select the first name the information about this user account is displayed. Also included is the body of the Activation Email that was sent to the new member. In the event that the new member didn't receive the email you can copy the email body and send it manually to the email of the new member.
- Notice in the left navigation bar that there are four status folders: Active, Pending, Invitations, and Disabled. These folders represent different user account status levels based on how their account was created.
- Active - Active accounts are those that have been validated by a new user by receiving the email and following the instructions in it to activate their account. Note: If a user is entered by the Site admin and that user account doesn't exist in the system already they will show in the active folder. The assumption is if the Site admin is entering the account then this new member is already approved.
- Pending - Pending accounts are those that are waiting for a Site admin to approve them. These accounts are created when someone registers for a site using the Register link at the bottom of the homepage. See the Requesting site membership training video for more information if needed. Pending users will receive an email thanking them for applying for a membership. A site admin will need to approve or deny access by selecting the Approve or Delete buttons after they have selected the user account. If a new user account is approved they will then receive the activation email. If they are deleted they will receive a denied email. You can select Edit to edit the access group. The default access group for a new user is Member. When you are finished editing an account select Save.
- Invitations - A user account will be placed in the Invitations folder if they already have a user account on the server for another site and were invited by a site admin to this site. When the user responds to the activation link they will automatically move to the Active folder.
- Disabled - If a member needs to be disabled for some reason you can select the Disable button when their account is selected in the Active folder. The account will then appear in the Disabled folder. Disabling an account allows you to keep the account and Approve it again at a future date. All of the member’s personal info is retained.
You can create your own custom access levels in User access groups. See the Custom User Access Levels training video for further instructions if needed.