netAdventist Features

What makes netAdventist unique?
netAdventist is unique in its ability to provide an online presence at the local level that reinforces the distinctive message of the global Seventh-day Adventist Church. With netAdventist, visitors to your Web site will immediately recognize that you belong to a global church movement.

Your netAdventist site also has powerful sharing features that enable you to share news and events with sister organizations around your conference or around the world. You will also be able to create unique log-in accounts for members and set levels of access for users.


What features come with my netAdventist site?

Your netAdventist site incorporates tools such as mailing list management, RSS feed generation, and podcast creation, as well as e-commerce capabilities that allow you to accept online donations or create an online product catalog.

In addition, your netAdventist site is able to generate online forms and polls, as well as load and display documents (i.e. school handbooks or church directories), create photo albums and event calendars, and submit prayer requests. Add to all these great features netAdventist's open license format and you have a very powerful software suite for managing your organization's Web site.

The best thing about netAdventist though is that anyone can use it to create and manage their own Web site, even those with limited technical knowledge. It has a very intuitive user interface. You don't have to be a programmer or pay a programmer to keep it up, and it's designed to enable multiple users to contribute, not just a single Web master. netAdventist uses a Web interface, which means there is no software to download onto your computer and you can access it from anywhere in the world!

netAdventist Features At a Glance

  • news
  • links to Adventist ministries and resources
  • news sharing
  • e-commerce features
  • document sharing
  • RSS feed generation
  • mailing list management
  • multilingual capabilities
  • podcasting
  • online forms and polls
  • prayer requests
  • photo albums
  • calendar of events
  • user accounts
  • any custom material you add

Go to the documentation page to learn more about netAdventist features and watch videos about how netAdventist works.