Link Chooser, inserting media files added to the Script
Watching or downloading audio or video files
When inserting media into content pages in netAdventist you can use the Link Chooser. The link chooser allows you to insert any media that you have uploaded to your site.
- If you haven't already done so, Log in and go to the Dashboard. You are taken to the Site Content tab. The homepage preview is displayed by default.
- Select Content Pages and choose one to edit by selecting it. Place your cursor over what you want to link. If you fail to place your cursor the Link Chooser dialog box will not open.
- Select the Link Chooser tool in the top line of tools 2nd from the end. A dialog box opens. Choose a category by selecting the drop-down arrow and choosing one from the list. Next choose content to link to by selecting a category from the second drop down arrow. The content you see in the second drop down box reflects the content from the category you selected in the first drop down box.
- Once finished making your selections, select Insert to create the link.
- Select Save, then Preview the content page. Select the link on the content page. The built-in player will start playing the audio or video file.